Monday, February 28, 2011

Micro Solutions Bring Hope

This links to a BBC article about proposed eco-engineering solutions to deal with amphibians and how they will be affected by climate change. This is because adult amphibians are sensitive to changes in habitat and temperature. One of the proposed solutions is the creation of “micro-habitats”, which would consist leaving piles of dead wood near amphibian habitats in order to allow for cooler temperatures and more moisture.

Similar kinds of intervention have been used to protect reptiles. In those cases the canopy of forested areas were reduced in order to increase sunlight coming through and therefore provide warmth for reptiles on the ground. To protect the amphibians, essentially the reverse will happen. The next stage consists of testing some of these ideas before they are implemented on a large-scale. Another proposal is to establish a web portal where scientists can upload their trials and results, therefore sharing ideas and results in a much quicker fashion.

This is an effective form of action on multiple levels. First of all it is a proactive approach to dealing with the effects of climate change. Because we are past the point of reversing these effects, it is time to start thinking of how we will adapt to changes. On another level, the example that is given seems like a simple eco-engineering solution that is not likely to have large environment altering effects. Finally, I think the proposed web portal is a great idea because I think it will speed up innovation and help us meet these sorts of challenges much sooner.

I would say that it is a replicable idea. First, because it has already been replicated from previous measures aimed at protecting reptiles. Also, it is a proposal that solves a problem on the micro-scale. I think this makes it easier to replicate and adapt to various other micro problems. I think the hardest solutions to replicate are macro ones because they require broad sweeping actions.

This type of article does give me hope essentially because of the reasons that it is an effective approach. It is an example of being proactive, is a simple concept, and encourages the sharing of information and acceleration of new knowledge. But, I also have hope because I believe in the triumph of the human spirit and American ingenuity.

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