Sunday, March 27, 2011

Friends of Science?

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It seems amazing that this debate is still raging, but indeed it is. Sometimes it seems that climate change skeptics are even gaining support. It is in this context that these two websites play a role. The purpose of “Friends of Science” is to dissuade the public from believing in anthropocentric climate change in the name of focusing on “more pressing” environmental issues such as pollution. The purpose of “How to Talk to a Climate Skeptic” is essentially to respond to people and organizations like “Friends of Science”. Additionally, “How to Talk to a Climate Skeptic” seeks to meet their purpose in a comedic and easily readable manner.

With regards to how we should evaluate and make sense of their scientific claims, we should do it in the context of what we have learned in our academic careers. I think because of this, I find the Grist site to be more convincing. I have been aware and convinced of anthropocentric climate change since at least high school, so I do not think I’ll be able to be convinced otherwise. Probably, because of this bias I find the “Friends of Science” site to be least convincing.

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