Monday, January 24, 2011

Easy Solution: Vote

Every little bit counts. This is one of those sayings that I tend to believe. Making sure to recycle, using energy efficient light bulbs, turning the lights off when not in the room, etc. These are all simple ways in which we can individually do our part in the fight against Global Climate Change. Mr. Maniates, however, is 100% correct when he says that these are not the 'be all, end all' solutions to our environmental problems.
GCC is not something that can be solved by the individual actions of the people because, lets face it, the majority of the people will not take the individual actions necessary to confront this phenomenon. There is, however, one simple action that can indeed have a large impact on GCC and that is to vote. It means that during each election cycle, we, the people must vote for those candidates who acknowledge the existence of GCC and are ready and willing to do something about it. We cannot continue to ignore it because it would be 'bad for the economy' or even worse cause 'global warming doesn't exist'. Global Climate Change is here and it is real and in the long run it will be worse for the economy if nothing is done about it.
The only way for us to curb Climate Change is through government action. This includes the regulation of carbon emissions, the signing and ratification of Kyoto (even if China doesn't), increased funding of alternative energy projects, etc. The government is the only entity powerful enough to solve this problem. But the people are the only the entity powerful enough to elect the government.

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